Categories: Entertainment

Scott Disick Ditched Kardashians, Partied With Ex-Girlfriend on Thanksgiving


It’s tough to feel much in the way of sympathy toward Scott Disick.

After all, this is a 38-year-old father of three who has spent much of the past several years pursuing troublingly imbalanced relationships with models young enough to be his daughters.

Even so, when Kourtney Kardashian got engaged to Travis Barker, a lot of folks expressed concern for Scott.

They reasoned that the news of his baby mama’s new relationship was sort of a double-whammy for Disick, as not only would he be forced to give up any hope of reconciliation with Kourt, he would also lose the only family he had left.

Both of Disick’s parents died in 2015, and he’s been open about the fact that Kourtney’s mother and sisters were instrumental in getting him through that difficult time.

In the years after he and Kourtney went their separate ways, Disick remained close with the entire Kard clan, and he probably thought that that arrangement would never come to an end.

But the Kravis relationship seems to have complicated that arrangement.

Insiders say Disick hates Barker, which is a problem, because the rest of the Kard clan is thoroughly enamored with the Blink 182 drummer.

There have been reports of Scott lashing out at Khloe Kardashian, blasting his former friend for failing to warn him of how serious the relationship had become.

Earlier this month, Disick met Kris Jenner for lunch, and it was widely speculated that the meeting represented the beginning of an effort to repair familial relationships despite Kourtney’s new circumstances.

Now, however, it looks as though Scott undid much of the progress that was made in recent weeks by ditching the Kardashians on Thanksgiving in order to hang out with an ex-girlfriend of his named Christine Burke.

The news of this Turkey Day rendezvous comes amid reports that Scott is dating Elizabeth Grace Lindley.

Other insiders have Disick dating Hana Cross.

(Both women are models in their early twenties, of course. So on the bright side, at least Scott is choosing slightly more age-appropriate romantic partners!)

Now, Hollywood Life is reporteing that Disick spent the holiday with Burke, which seems to indicate that he’s simply playing the field.

That’s Scott’s prerogative, of course, but given reports that the Kardashians invited Disick to Thanksgiving dinner, the family was probably a bit surprised to learn that Scott ditched them for his flavor of the week.

According to one insider, this recent promiscuity is all part of Scott’s increasingly misguided effort to cope with his jealousy over Kourtney’s new relationship.

“Scott is handling this situation as best as he knows how,” a source close to the situation twlls Hollywood Life.

“As much as Scott knows that Kourtney will always be in his life, it’s not the same as it was last year,” the insider adds.

“After Scott and Sofia [Richie] broke up, he was closer than he’s been with Kourtney in a long time and a big part of him thought a reconciliation was a possibility.”

Clearly, that’s no longer a possibility, and Scott is lashing out a bit these days.

We just hope he and Kourtney are both prioritizing their kids’ happiness above their own, and not letting this recent pettiness interfere with their co-parenting relationship.


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Bellie Brown

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