Samsung has launched the Galaxy F22 budget phone in India at a starting price of Rs 12,499 for a version with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage. The F22 will also come with 6GB RAM and 128GB storage at a price of Rs 14,499. It’s essentially a watered-down M32 with a lower resolution screen, and a lower resolution primary camera (and selfie camera), keeping rest of the hardware mostly as is.
Galaxy F22 India price and availability details
The F22 comes in two configurations: 4GB/64GB and 6GB/128GB. While the former costs Rs 12,499, the latter will sell for Rs 14,499. The phone will be available on Samsung Online Store, Flipkart and select retail stores starting July 13. As a limited period offer, Samsung will offer Rs 1,000 off on prepaid transactions on Flipkart.
Galaxy F22 specs and features
The F22 comes with a 6.4-inch 720p Super AMOLED display with a fast 90Hz refresh rate and 600nits peak brightness. The screen is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 5. Under the hood, it has a MediaTek Helio G80 system-on-chip paired with up to 6GB RAM and 128GB storage. This is expandable. Software is Android 11-based One UI version 3.1.
The phone has four cameras on the back. There is a 48MP main camera, an 8MP ultra-wide-angle camera, and two 2MP cameras, one for depth and another for macros. On the front, it has a 13MP camera.
It is further backed by a 6,000mAh battery with support for 25W fast charging but Samsung is bundling only a 15W fast charger in the box.
Speaking of build and design, the F22 has a plastic back. It’s glossy and comes in two colourways: black and blue.
Rounding off the package are Samsung Pay Mini and Dolby Atmos (for headphones).
Also Read | Samsung Galaxy M32 first look: How it compares to Redmi Note 10S, Realme 8 and Moto G40 Fusion
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