When it comes to making sure that your HVAC system performance is great, you need to choose the right air filter. But it can be hard to choose the right type of air filter considering that you can find several options on the market. You can find deep media, fiberglass, and pleated filters.
In most cases, a pleated air filter is regarded as the best option for many HVAC systems. This air filter home is made up of fabric polyester material which is pleated and integrated within a rigid panel to increase the surface area. No doubt, a pleated air filter offers better particulate resistance than other types of air filters. This page discusses why you should buy pleated air filters.
Understanding pleated filters
A pleated air filter utilizes a screen of plastic fibers, cotton or polyester to trap dust, debris, and other particles circulating in the air that goes into the HVAC system. Remember that this air filter has folds or pleats that provide more surface area so that it can filter more dirt that can otherwise damage the coils of your heating and cooling system or blower fan. Besides, a pleated air filter improves indoor air quality.
You can find pleated air filters in various depth sizes that range between 1 and 5. They also come in varying Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value ratings. Many air filters that you can find in HVAC systems tend to have depths of between 1 and 2 inches.
You can also find some of these air filters that have wire mesh to assist them to maintain their structures while also preventing blockage. But in most cases, wire mesh on the air filters indicates that they are of low quality. Therefore, you should be on the lookout for an air filter that has sturdy material and doesn’t require an extra wire mesh for support.
Why you should choose pleated air filters
A pleated air filter has several benefits including high filtration efficiency. A pleated air filter can offer a high level of filtration. This filter comes in a wide range of sizes to match different types of HVAC systems. And, the width of a pleated air filter can range between 1 and 6 inches suitable for preventing both small and large airborne particles. A pleated air filter can also capture very small pollutants measuring about 0.3 microns, such as bacteria and viruses. Therefore, they can prevent harmful particulate matter as well as allergens from entering your home.
A pleated air filter also has a higher MERV rating than other air filters. Therefore, they are more efficient when it comes to preventing several pollutants from entering your house. Even better, this air filter does not interfere with indoor airflow. Hence, your heating and cooling system can still maintain its heating or cooling efficiency.
A pleated air filter that has a high MERV rating can be very effective in capturing any particles in the air. For example, a MERV 12 filter can capture at least 80 percent of particles that including those with small diameters, such as pet dander and smoke.
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