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HomeBusinessSome Of The Most Commonly Used Milk Adulterants

Some Of The Most Commonly Used Milk Adulterants


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Milk is a crucial drink for your health”. You must have heard this quote again and again in your childhood, right! And there are great chances you may be hearing them now, even though you’ve grown up.

But today we are not going to talk about how beneficial milk is to our mind and body. Instead, we’ll be talking about some practices that are reaping the benefits out of milk. This has always been an area of concern for most of the people out there. They always ask themselves, “Is our milk as healthy as we perceive it to be?”

Whether you believe it or not but there’s a possibility that the farm fresh milk we are drinking maybe containing adulterants. You see, the glass of milk you are drinking right now, travels a long distance from the farms just to get to you, and during this period of time adulterants are added at two main levels which we have enlisted on below.

1. At Farms

At farms, adulterants are reported to be added by responsible dairy farmers who often wants to make a profit. We also found out that milk and milk products like fat sell quite well in the market. A milkman will do anything to boost up his profit margin and sell less milk to the seller.

Water is usually added to the milk for adulteration but it is not harmful in most of the cases. However, there is a considerable risk of contamination present in the water especially nowadays where water contamination is at its peak.

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Vegetable oil is also added sometimes in milk. The reason behind adding it is to replace milk fat. We found out that milk fat is often sold at a higher rate than the milk itself.

Farm-level contaminants are one of the major adulterants in milk nowadays. These contaminants include antibiotics which are used to treat animals. They are not added deliberately but sometimes when ok cow contract a disease, some dairy farmers tend to avoid treatment which leads to farm level contamination. Checkout the organic milk Dwarka.

2. At Collection Centres

According to a survey we found out that it usually takes 4 to 5 days to get milk from farms to your local dairy shop. Naturally, the milk cannot stay usable during this period which leads to milkman add preservatives while sending the milk to the processing plant. These preservatives include salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide, benzoic acid, and formalin.

There is another category of preservatives which is found in processed milk and that is called additives. Apparently, they are found in various kinds. Solid-Not-Fat is considered to be an important parameter to measure milk’s quality.

Most of the time dairy farmers increase the SNF content in milk by using additives such as glucose starch and cane sugar just to fool us by offering us low-quality milk. What surprised us the most is the uses of ammonium sulphate and detergent as additives to increase the density of milk. Checkout the online milk delivery in Delhi.

Now you must be thinking your life has been a lie. Well, don’t worry because we have come up with certain ways which you can use to figure out if your milk is adulterated or not. The best part II some of these tests can be done at your home itself.

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3. Test for Water

  • In order to test if there is water in your milk, just a drop of milk on a polished slanting service.
  • If your milk is pure then it would stay or flow slowly leaving a white trail behind.
  • And if your milk husband adulterated with water it will flow immediately without leaving a mark.

4. Test for Detergent

  • Pick approximately 5 to 10 ml of milk sample and add an equal amount of water.
  • Now shake the contents thoroughly.
  • If your milk is adulterated with detergent it will form a dense lather.
  • If the milk is pure it will form a very thin from layer due to all the shaking.

Would you like to know more about milk adulteration? If yes then do make sure to check out this article and you would be surprised to know the facts.

Disclaimer: For more interesting articles visit Business Times.

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