The placement team of the university is always full of responsibilities as it requires placement from time to time because the value of a university is largely measured by placements among students and staff. However, the placement teams of most institutions suffer from some common challenges that may seem insignificant to an outsider, but greatly limit the capabilities of the team.
Many of these challenges can be addressed through c automation and replacement of manual systems of recruitment.
Challenges before university placement teams:
One of the major challenges faced by the placement team is to manage the volumes in the form of students data, university information, scheduling conflicts etc.
Due to lack of adequate resources with the university teams, students and university staff do not have proper knowledge, they are not able to manage the university properly. The time of the placement team should not be wasted in collecting, sorting and collating the data related to these.
Due to paucity of resources time of placement team is wasted on non-value added activities like manual CV verification of each individual for admission and recruitment process, collection of new and old student and staff information in the university, charts, excel and Matching and sorting through segmented emails.
Changing Teams, Changing Hands:
Many colleges include placement teams that change from year to year or vary from process to process. When new teams join, they have very limited data on previous placement processes.
So that the company visiting the university campus doesn’t have the complete history and proper give may not be available.
Because of this, they will not only have ample insight into the companies visiting the university campus, but also have a consistent knowledge base, which will give them better visibility on campus hiring trends.
Benefits of automation:
Uniformity of university data is also an additional point about which university placement teams are often concerned. The Expedien University Recreation Management System helps collect and sort data points. It minimizes the chances of errors, incorrect calculations and manual sorting through Excel. Moreover, with the help of this system, standardized data can be easily stored, shared and used by various departments to study trends, gain key insights and redesign policies accordingly.
Excel, Documents, Mail and Forms will always be there for everyone to use. However, the time has come for institutions to consider automation to eliminate redundancies in their placement processes, something that is central to determining the reputation of many such educational bodies.
By adopting Expedian’s URMS system, we can expect not only optimum utilization of resources but also generate better results for the overall betterment of the institute.
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