Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Tuesday has held a meeting with the government school principals of the state seeking inputs from them to raise the bar of school education. The chief minister has also launched an online portal with the purpose to seek ideas and suggestions from teachers for bringing ‘out of the box’ educational reforms. He has said that the Delhi model of education would be implemented in Punjab.
According to the CM, teachers should send ideas through the online portal to help change the conventional system of education and make it paperless, and digitally empowered. The chief minister further added that the people have lost faith in the present government education system.
“Special emphasis would be laid on imparting quality technical education instead of focusing on securing high percentages,” the chief minister said. Emphasizing the achievements of the Kejriwal government in the education sector in Delhi, Mann said over four lakh students have shifted from private schools to government schools.
According to Mann, every year 450 students from Delhi get admissions in prestigious institutions like the IIT, and the Delhi government has built 10,000 rooms in government schools. “To take our education to the next level our teachers will be sent on educational tours to Delhi schools and even abroad for education training in batches to countries like Singapore, Switzerland, Finland and institutes like Harvard and Oxford on government expenses,” the CM said.
With inputs from PTI.
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