A couple of months ago, fans were wondering if Jana Duggar was stepping back from some family duties.
The Duggars have had a lot on their plates as they braced themselves for Josh Duggar’s well-deserved conviction.
But Josh is not the only member of the family in legal trouble. And this one involves kids, too.
It has now been confirmed that Jana has been charged with endangering the welfare of a minor.
After Jana’s criminal charge was initially reported by a blogger, In Touch Weekly confirmed the news by speaking with the Elms Springs district clerk.
Jana Duggar has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child.
According to the report, it was unclear if the 31-year-old overly put-upon eldest daughter had entered a plea yet.
Arkansas law makes this charge a misdemeanor, which can be class A or class B.
A conviction (or guilty plea) could lead to a fine or to jail time, depending upon various factors.
While In Touch Weekly confirmed the news, the first report came from Without A Crystal Ball‘s Katie Joy.
As Katie Joy reported on Instagram, Jana is the latest Duggar in hot water with the law.
“Last night a family insider contacted us about a Duggar Family member being charged with Endangering the Welfare of a Minor,” the post began.
“After the insider revealed the information,” the post continued, “we reached out to Elm Springs District Court in Arkansas.”
Without a Crystal Ball reached out in order “to verify if charges were filed.”
“The County Clerk confirmed that on September 10, 2021, Jana Duggar was charged with Endangering the Welfare of a minor,” the post shared.
“They did not reveal any further details about the specifics of the case,” Without a Crystal Ball noted.
“The family insider told us that Jana Duggar allegedly pleaded ‘Not Guilty’ to the charges and her next court date is in January,” the post revealed.
“We are still working to confirm more details at this time,” Without a Crystal Ball emphasized.
Katie Joy was quick to emphasize that “The District Court only deals with misdemeanor cases.”
“Based upon Arkansas laws, Endangering the Welfare of a minor can be either a class A or B misdemeanor,” Joy noted.
“Penalties can range from up to a 30-90 days in jail to fines,” the post continued.
“It is important to note that child endangerment does not mean a child was physically hurt,” the caption emphasized.
“It can mean there was RISK of harm,” the post explained.
“We will continue to update as we learn more,” Joy’s post vowed.
“Yesterday we reported that the insider said that Children in Jana’s care allegedly wandered off the Duggar’s property,” the post added.
“We have not confirmed the specifics,” the post concluded. “Please know we will update with more as it is learned.”
Obviously, we do not know exactly what happened — or what allegedly happened, either.
Legally speaking, Jana is considered innocent until proven guilty.
It is not impossible to imagine a scenario in which Jana takes the blame for something that is not her responsibility.
(Jana does not actually have any children, but has spent her entire life toiling to watch after her parents’ endless brood)
It is also possible that she genuinely screwed up while attempting to provide childcare.
The Duggar family is no place to raise a child.
Even without the obvious threat of Josh (who is now behind bars where he belongs), it’s an abusive cult.
But just because the Duggar home is a house of horrors doesn’t mean that kids need to, say, wander into traffic or whatever happened.
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