Jenelle Evans has provided fans with an update on her health.
Unfortunately, it isn’t a very positive one.
The former Teen Mom star told followers last month that she has a tumor on her spine and this is the reason why she’s been sufferingg from such extreme back pain for such a long period of time.
Have things gotten any better in the weeks since?
It doesn’t sound that way.
“I’ve just been takin’ things easy lately,” a bedridden Jenelle just told her TikTok subscribers over the weekend, adding:
“Yeah, I’m making my health number 1 right now. So if it seems like I kind of lost my spark or motivation, I kinda have.”
Evans went on to detail her ever-growing medical obstacles and struggles.
“I’ve recently been diagnosed with two tumors in my spine, and they recently found out that I also have a tumor in my neck which hurts pretty bad,” she said.
“We don’t know what we’re doing about this yet but I’ve just been in a lot of pain lately.
“My neck is just killing me.”
Jenelle has long complained about all the issues plaguing her back, and her body overall.
Over the summer, for instance, Evans chronicledd a trip to go see a neurologist for a second opinion on her syrinx diagnosis.
This is a condition that features a fluid-filled cavity developing in the spinal cord or in the brain stem, resulting in significant discomfort.
Evans feared at the time that she may never walk again.
Was she being overly dramatic?
But only a tad.
TikTok can attest to the infrequency of Jenelle’s dancing videos of late, as the disgraced reality star really has taken a break from performing in this manner online.
“Sorry if my content hasn’t been, like, the best lately, but hopefully I feel better soon,” the mother of three noted over the weekend.
Jenelle tagged the video with “#Syringomyelia #Hemangioma #SpineTumor” and then went on to say that she has appointments with two separate doctors scheduledd for next week.
“The tumors are different than the cysts I have,” she added to a curious fan.
“So let’s go over what I have: I have a cyst in my spine, I have a cyst in my head, I have two small tumors on my vertebrae and my thoracic spine. And at C3 [vertebrae] in my neck I have another small tumor.
“They’re called Hemangiomas.”
For now?
“I’m just using heating pads and laying down when I can. Not doing much. Not being too active,” Evans explained.
We often make fun of Jenelle Evans on this celebrity gossip website because, come on… how can we not?!?
But we have no doubt these medical issues are legitimate, and that sucks.
Let’s all hope she makes a full recovery.
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