Coronavirus Case and Fatality Rate in India, Coronavirus Third Wave Live Updates, COvid Live Tally Today: India on Wednesday saw a massive jump in the daily caseload. The government data released today says that 37,593 new cases have been registered across the country in the last 24 hours. In comparison with yesterday, this translates into a sharp spike of 47.16 per cent. The Covid fatalities have also gone up today, the health bulletin says. In the last 24 hours, 648 people succumbed to Covid-related ailments in India. The day-on-day analysis shows a huge rise of 83 per cent in terms of Covid deaths. After a good run for the last couple of days, the recoveries have dipped below the new cases. However, the national recovery rate is still at 97.67 per cent. The daily rise in new infections has also impacted the tally of active cases in India. As per the government data, 3,22,327 active cases have been detected in the country.
As India nears the new milestone of 60 crore doses administered since the mass vaccination began on January 16 earlier this year, there is a new headache that may impact the national Covid recovery. Breakthrough cases have been rising steadily across the country. In simple terms, a breakthrough infection can be defined as a person testing positive for the novel coronavirus despite taking both doses of the Covid vaccine. In a breakthrough infection, the virus or its variant manages to bypass the immunity provided by the Covid jab. The Indian SARS-CoV2 Genomics Consortium has also noted this worrying trend of breakthrough infections. DBT secretary Renu Swarup has been recently quoted as saying that the main reason behind the breakthrough infections in India is the Delta and Alpha variants of the coronavirus.
Here are the latest, freshest, confirmed Covid updates from India and around the globe:
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