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HomeEducationFactors Related to Traffic Accidents Involving Intelligent Vehicles

Factors Related to Traffic Accidents Involving Intelligent Vehicles


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Nowadays with the advancement of science and technology, many things got evolved. Using the improved technologies many modern devices were created. Even the vehicles were also developed with new features and machines. Among these various changes, the most remarkable change among vehicles is the intelligent vehicles. However, there are also certain risks with them. Here we are going to discuss them.

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About Intelligent Vehicles

An intelligent vehicle’s working mechanism is based on onboard Intelligent hardware. Based on its sensors, artificial intelligence makes an approximation regarding its surroundings and drives autonomously. In 2004, the society of Automation Engineers (SAE) divided them into 5 different levels based on their degree of automation. They are:

  • No automation
  • Driver assistance
  • Partial automation
  • Conditional automation
  • High automation
  • Full automation

Vehicle accidents

With the increased complications of intelligent vehicles, sometimes it fails to hold their right working principle, which can cause mild to severe road accidents. According to the few post accidents the collisions were also divided into certain types like Scrape collision, side collision, rear-end collision, collision with a guardrail, etc.

Major factors causing intelligent vehicle accidents

Certain different factors cause accidents of intelligent vehicles. They are:

  • Machine factors: the working mechanism of the vehicle depends upon artificial intelligence, robotics, and other technologies. Sometimes due to these technical issues, the vehicles get through the accident.
  • The human factor: this is considered when the technology and the machines were not handled by the humans appropriately, which later on leads to the accident.
  • Environmental factors: many times, bad climate causes severe disasters as well as accidents.
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Accident information

In the investigation process, this is the first thing to focus on. It includes certain information that was collected by the vehicle itself with its camera, radar, etc. They include:

  • Pre-Behavioral driving
  • Speed and motion state of the vehicle just before the accident
  • Surroundings of the vehicle during accidents

Principle issues of the investigation

Here we are going to discuss the major points that the investigation process includes.

  • Survey content: here the investigators go through the different possible information that has been collected. It is classified into pre-collision, collision, and post-collision. Then they enquired thoroughly.
  • Investigation method: these methods vary differently with different investigators. However, the general method consists of four steps:
  1. Data basis: the data is collected.
  2. Data supplement: data is more concisely collected from the accident site including the environmental causes.
  3. Data processing: data is visualized and digitalized
  4. Data management: the whole information is added to a special database for analysis.


It is quite difficult to find out about the intelligent vehicle accidents however, with improved technologies they can be digitalized to simplify the scenario and find out the reason.

Disclaimer: For more interesting articles visit Business Times.

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